The reason this is so important has to do with how ballplayers are built, how they improve fastest, and where their enjoyment of the game is derived.
If You Can Hit.They Will Find a Place to Play You!
Most players say that hitting is the most fun part of the game.
As coaches, we know that hitting the ball hard and consistent are the best we can hope for from our players.
Hitting the Ball Well Happens When:
First - The player is taught proper hitting mechanics, which is always a work in progress.
Next - Players will repeat these good mechanical swings over and over and over until they become so natural.that success is merely a next step to the next level.
There is no better way for a ballplayer to achieve and repeat these good mechanics and hard swings than having the ability to walk out his own back door to take these swings.
The tremendous number of swings that it takes to commit these mechanics to good muscle memory takes days, weeks and months. Approaching perfection takes much longer. Without this effort, even natural athletes are not nearly as likely to succeed. Every year we see these natural athletes leave the game prematurely!
Space and Money... Money and Space...
The reality is that many families find themselves short of one or both of those items.
That's where we at can hopefully help you!
So why don't more players have this invaluable backyard tool?
Until only a few years ago, batting cages were only available as Pro-type cages; the ones you see at High Schools, and league fields. But as the game has grown in popularity and travel ball becomes bigger, some very creative inventors have filled in the gaps.
For those families with limited backyard space and budget please take a look at some of these creative and more inexpensive options that we are now able to offer.
The Portable Batting Cage Kit with L Screen
This cage allows for tremendous flexibility in that it can be purchased in 50, 60 or 70 foot lengths with three choices of net strength that will fit any budget or age player.
Even the shipping charge is reduced due to your needing to purchase the cage legs at a local Home Depot, Lowe's or similar. It is absolutely a simple project, with no cutting or special tools required. Total installation time is 1+ hour right out of the box!
New for 2008
Our Backyard Batting Cage. This creative concept is delivered to you in one box containing a 24 foot section fully complete and ready to go.
The cage sits above the ground, except for a kind of "foot" that is pounded into the ground. a few inches below the dirt level.
Installation is less than 45 minutes the first time you set it up and quicker after that!
The hitter stands inside one end of the cage while the pitching machine is set up outside of the cage at the other end. A small, pre-cut hole allows the pitch to enter the cage while protecting the pitching machine and the coach or practice partner.
Want a 48 or 72 Foot Cage Now or Later?
Two or three of these 24 foot cages can be installed end to end to make a 48 foot or even a 72 foot long cage.
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