September 22, 2007
With the EasyQuit System, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
You will not suffer from a sense of loss - you will not miss smoking at all!
You will not suffer from hunger
You will not suffer from uncontrollable eating binges - there will be no weight gain!
You will not need to "motivate" yourself every day
You will not need to prepare a "smokers diary"
You will not have to draw up an action plan or do any preparation work!
You will not have to set a "quit date" to get nervous about!
You will not have to avoid social occassions - I promise you could quit and go to a party straight away!
You will not have to do "breathing exercises" to overcome cravings
You will not have to take any medicines, gums or use any nicotine replacement products
You will not require any so-called "will-power"
You will not have to drink water every 10 minutes to beat cravings!
You will not suffer any axiety when you quit
But most importantly, after you read this book, you really will find it as easy to be a non-smoker in the future as you find it difficult to be a non-smoker right now!
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn't aversion therapy or hypnotism or 'Neuro-Linguistic Programming'. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System explains to you:
I will reveal the single biggest reason why most smokers never quit – and how you can overcome this problem with ease.
I will explain the core reasons why you have always found it so difficult to quit before so you can understand where you have gone wrong in the past.
In the EasyQuit System, I explain how you are addicted to nicotine, a highly addictive drug that has only weak physical and psychological effects on you. I also DEMONSTRATE how this addiction isn't as strong as you and everyone else believe it is.
I will explain to you and show you how to 'think outside the box' – a lot of what you will learn will fly directly against what you think you know and understand about smoking.
I will explain and prove to you that you actually hate smoking and always have!
I will explain why smoking is not a habit as you have always been lead to believe. There is nothing habitual about smoking - it just seems that way because it is misinterpreted!
I will explain which decisions you must make before quitting and which decisions will guarantee failure so you know to avoid them.
I will explain to you in detail, the attitude that you must take on before, during and after smoking the last EVER cigarette of your life. This is not found in most of the public literature available.
I will explain the three pillars of quitting – using these three pillars guarantee that you will never have the desire to smoke another cigarette again.
I will clarify the 22 CORE BELIEFS smokers have as to why they smoke – and blow them away one by one - leaving you with little choice but to become a non-smoker!
I will show you why cutting down or using patches, gum or sprays will virtually guarantee failure and ensure if you do succeed you will never be a happy non smoker!
I will explain why substitution with chewing gum, sweets, food or water just magnifies your desire to smoke, and explain the simplest process for killing cravings dead!
Using the EasyQuit System, you will naturally come to a conclusion that you do not have a desire to smoke any longer.
There will be no effort in not smoking at the end of the course because it will be like stopping doing something you don’t like doing! Quitting doesn’t get any easier than that!
And after all this – you won’t gain a pound in weight!
You will not suffer from a sense of loss - you will not miss smoking at all!
You will not suffer from hunger
You will not suffer from uncontrollable eating binges - there will be no weight gain!
You will not need to "motivate" yourself every day
You will not need to prepare a "smokers diary"
You will not have to draw up an action plan or do any preparation work!
You will not have to set a "quit date" to get nervous about!
You will not have to avoid social occassions - I promise you could quit and go to a party straight away!
You will not have to do "breathing exercises" to overcome cravings
You will not have to take any medicines, gums or use any nicotine replacement products
You will not require any so-called "will-power"
You will not have to drink water every 10 minutes to beat cravings!
You will not suffer any axiety when you quit
But most importantly, after you read this book, you really will find it as easy to be a non-smoker in the future as you find it difficult to be a non-smoker right now!
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn't aversion therapy or hypnotism or 'Neuro-Linguistic Programming'. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System explains to you:
I will reveal the single biggest reason why most smokers never quit – and how you can overcome this problem with ease.
I will explain the core reasons why you have always found it so difficult to quit before so you can understand where you have gone wrong in the past.
In the EasyQuit System, I explain how you are addicted to nicotine, a highly addictive drug that has only weak physical and psychological effects on you. I also DEMONSTRATE how this addiction isn't as strong as you and everyone else believe it is.
I will explain to you and show you how to 'think outside the box' – a lot of what you will learn will fly directly against what you think you know and understand about smoking.
I will explain and prove to you that you actually hate smoking and always have!
I will explain why smoking is not a habit as you have always been lead to believe. There is nothing habitual about smoking - it just seems that way because it is misinterpreted!
I will explain which decisions you must make before quitting and which decisions will guarantee failure so you know to avoid them.
I will explain to you in detail, the attitude that you must take on before, during and after smoking the last EVER cigarette of your life. This is not found in most of the public literature available.
I will explain the three pillars of quitting – using these three pillars guarantee that you will never have the desire to smoke another cigarette again.
I will clarify the 22 CORE BELIEFS smokers have as to why they smoke – and blow them away one by one - leaving you with little choice but to become a non-smoker!
I will show you why cutting down or using patches, gum or sprays will virtually guarantee failure and ensure if you do succeed you will never be a happy non smoker!
I will explain why substitution with chewing gum, sweets, food or water just magnifies your desire to smoke, and explain the simplest process for killing cravings dead!
Using the EasyQuit System, you will naturally come to a conclusion that you do not have a desire to smoke any longer.
There will be no effort in not smoking at the end of the course because it will be like stopping doing something you don’t like doing! Quitting doesn’t get any easier than that!
And after all this – you won’t gain a pound in weight!
You know that already, don't you? The nights spent looking at the ceiling, desperately awake, worrying about not being able to perform the next day...
The tossing and turning...
The heavy mornings, the afternoons spent in a haze...
The running for the coffee machine in a vain attempt to rise your head above the waters of drowsiness...
What a grim life!
I've been there too. My name is Yan Muckle, and for most of my adult life I was the one who would watch the ceiling while everybody else was in la-la-land. That's when I was not waking up, then falling asleep, then waking up again half a dozen times before dawn...
Sure enough, I was the one tired all the time!
And I' writing now to tell you it doesn't have to be like this. You can sleep well again, you can learn to fall asleep fast and STAY asleep.
Even if you've been in the grip of insomnia and tiredness for longer than you care to remember.
"I now fall asleep quickly, usually within the first twenty minutes. I love it!!!"
"I just love being able to fall asleep without taking a whole bunch of pills to help.
I can now go to bed without wondering whether I'll be able to fall asleep in the next ten minutes or four hours. I now fall asleep quickly, usually within the first twenty minutes. I love it!!! SleepTracks has given me an ease and relaxed feeling about going to bed. I know I'm going to be able to fall asleep with ease and sleep the night through, no matter what.
Even if I do wake up during the night it is only briefly. If my mind kicks in I simply play the Fall Asleep track and I'm off. I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything."
Joanne Spruyt, Kamloops, BC, Canada, August 8, 2007
Read more testimonials
Some Good News... And Some Bad News
The bad news is that, if you consistently take a very long time before falling asleep... If on top of that you wake up after just a couple hours... Your overall sleep time is most probably severely curtailed.
Which means you don't spend enough time in what we call "deep sleep" — the most important part of the night where your body and your mind regenerate and rejuvenate themselves. If you wondered why you feel so lousy, this is one of the reasons.
Now, here's the good news: studies and tests done by sleep researchers have showed that the capacity to fall asleep, then enter and stay in a deep sleep is a skill. It's something you can become good at — even if you've gotten, after a long time of poor sleep and bad conditioning, very bad at it.
"So how do I train my brain?" you say.
Answer: you let it happen automatically, just by listening to precisely designed audio soundtracks — Sleep Tracks. These tracks are safely engineered to induce immediate AND long-term changes in your brain activity. They're using an increasingly popular (but still little-known, even after 30 years) technology called "brainwave entrainment".
"I am sleeping!"
"I suffered for many years whith chronic insomnia... In other words, I didn't sleep, sometimes for days. I was very sceptical that the Tracks would work for me, but I tried them and have used them faithfully for over a month. Wonder of wonders they worked and I am sleeping!"
Marie Robinson, Nashville, Tenessee, August 17th, 2007
A Quasi-Unknown (But Very Important) Reason Why You're Still Battling With Insomnia And Tiredness
You should also know that one very important thing is most likely missing in your brain if you suffer from troubled sleep. I'm not talking about some form of disability or physical deficiency. I'm talking about a form of brain activity that is in sorely low supply in people who sleep badly (and, incidentally, in people who suffer from ADHD).
It's something that athletes have.
Something that you can have too, very simply, without effort, once you know how. Yet almost nobody knows about this, and much less know how to use it.
The tossing and turning...
The heavy mornings, the afternoons spent in a haze...
The running for the coffee machine in a vain attempt to rise your head above the waters of drowsiness...
What a grim life!
I've been there too. My name is Yan Muckle, and for most of my adult life I was the one who would watch the ceiling while everybody else was in la-la-land. That's when I was not waking up, then falling asleep, then waking up again half a dozen times before dawn...
Sure enough, I was the one tired all the time!
And I' writing now to tell you it doesn't have to be like this. You can sleep well again, you can learn to fall asleep fast and STAY asleep.
Even if you've been in the grip of insomnia and tiredness for longer than you care to remember.
"I now fall asleep quickly, usually within the first twenty minutes. I love it!!!"
"I just love being able to fall asleep without taking a whole bunch of pills to help.
I can now go to bed without wondering whether I'll be able to fall asleep in the next ten minutes or four hours. I now fall asleep quickly, usually within the first twenty minutes. I love it!!! SleepTracks has given me an ease and relaxed feeling about going to bed. I know I'm going to be able to fall asleep with ease and sleep the night through, no matter what.
Even if I do wake up during the night it is only briefly. If my mind kicks in I simply play the Fall Asleep track and I'm off. I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything."
Joanne Spruyt, Kamloops, BC, Canada, August 8, 2007
Read more testimonials
Some Good News... And Some Bad News
The bad news is that, if you consistently take a very long time before falling asleep... If on top of that you wake up after just a couple hours... Your overall sleep time is most probably severely curtailed.
Which means you don't spend enough time in what we call "deep sleep" — the most important part of the night where your body and your mind regenerate and rejuvenate themselves. If you wondered why you feel so lousy, this is one of the reasons.
Now, here's the good news: studies and tests done by sleep researchers have showed that the capacity to fall asleep, then enter and stay in a deep sleep is a skill. It's something you can become good at — even if you've gotten, after a long time of poor sleep and bad conditioning, very bad at it.
"So how do I train my brain?" you say.
Answer: you let it happen automatically, just by listening to precisely designed audio soundtracks — Sleep Tracks. These tracks are safely engineered to induce immediate AND long-term changes in your brain activity. They're using an increasingly popular (but still little-known, even after 30 years) technology called "brainwave entrainment".
"I am sleeping!"
"I suffered for many years whith chronic insomnia... In other words, I didn't sleep, sometimes for days. I was very sceptical that the Tracks would work for me, but I tried them and have used them faithfully for over a month. Wonder of wonders they worked and I am sleeping!"
Marie Robinson, Nashville, Tenessee, August 17th, 2007
A Quasi-Unknown (But Very Important) Reason Why You're Still Battling With Insomnia And Tiredness
You should also know that one very important thing is most likely missing in your brain if you suffer from troubled sleep. I'm not talking about some form of disability or physical deficiency. I'm talking about a form of brain activity that is in sorely low supply in people who sleep badly (and, incidentally, in people who suffer from ADHD).
It's something that athletes have.
Something that you can have too, very simply, without effort, once you know how. Yet almost nobody knows about this, and much less know how to use it.
1. Did You Know That There are Hidden Foods That are Promoted as "Health Foods" but Actually Stimulate Your Body to Hold Onto Excess Belly Fat & Cover Up Your Six Pack Abs Like a Thick Blanket?
It's True! Scientists have even discovered that some of these particular foods can even produce a hormonal imbalance in your body that triggers belly fat to resist burning and signals it to be stored excessively. These compounds are rampant in our food supply and hard to avoid unless you know what to look for... this goes WAY beyond trans fats... there are some more sinister villians in our food too (more about that later).
2. Did You Also Know That "Abs Exercises" Such as Crunches, Leg Raises, & Sit-Ups are Actually the LEAST EFFECTIVE Method of Getting Rid of Stubborn Stomach Fat & Love Handles to Uncover Your Abs? And No, the Answer to Belly Fat Loss is NOT Cardio Either!
Yep, you heard me right! Abdominal exercises should only be a VERY small portion of your workouts. In addition, If you don't perform the right ab exercises in the most effective fashion, you could actually be making your stomach worse!
Ok, here's the deal... If you want your workouts to stimulate abdominal fat loss for those flat sexy abs, you need a properly designed full body resistance training workout that takes into account certain key factors for stimulating your metabolic rate and increasing your production of fat-burning hormones.
If you ignore these key factors, you're DOOMED to a flabby stomach forever! I'll discuss more details about these key factors in a bit.
3. Another Thing... You've Been Told That Doing Lots and Lots of Cardio is the Best Way to Lose Body Fat... Correct?
WRONG! Once again, the myths that have perpetuated the fitness industry for decades are starting to become more clear.
Did you know that recent properly controlled scientific studies have revealed that people using cardio-based workout routines lost significantly less body fat compared to people who did mostly resistance training based routines? Some subjects even GAINED BODY FAT on the cardio-based workouts, while the resistance trainers got stronger & simultaneously reduced their abdominal fat.
However, you can't just do any old worthless bodybuilder workout routine that you saw in some magazine. Most people inadvertently focus on all the wrong types of exercises in the wrong combinations. That will most likely just set you up for failure and years more of a fat belly with no abs!
There are certain tricks you need to learn to put together a workout routine with combinations that will actually trigger your body to release belly fat. I'll show you those techniques in a minute.4. Do You Really Need "Fat Loss Pills" and Other Hyped-Up Supplements to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Belly Fat for Good?No, you don't need any supplements! The amount of deception in the supplement industry really pisses me off. Some supplements are ok (only a very limited few), but I estimate that at least 95% of supplements are a total waste of your money. I'll talk about the only worthwhile ones you can trust, so you can stop wasting your money and being deceived by the clever marketing tactics they use.5. Ab Belts, Ab-Gadgets, Ab-Rockers/Rollers... all Useless!Come on now... I know the infomercial showed a ripped sexy fitness model using the Fat-Blaster 6000 Ab Gizmo, but do you really think he or she got that sexy flat stomach by sitting on the couch and using that piece of crap while watching TV?Hell no! They are ripped and sexy because they are a fitness model and they work hard using REAL WORKOUTS. I'll even show you some insider secrets as to how some of these fitness models get such lean and sexy bodies with rock hard abs. Some of the techniques are pretty clever!
So, let's set the record straight once and for all...
You Will NEVER Lose Your Excess Stomach Fat and Carve Out Those Rock-Hard Six-Pack Abs that You Desire by Wasting Your Time with 100's of Crunches and Other "Abs-Pumping" Exercises...
Nor with Those Bogus Ab-Gadgets, Gimmick Diets, "Fat-Burner" Pills, and "Miracle" Supplement Powders that are Scamming You Out of Your Hard-Earned Money!
Instead, Discover the Tried-and-True Training & Nutrition Secrets That the Super-Lean Use to Strip Away Stubborn Stomach Fat and Develop Sexy Flat Abs That Turn Heads!
But NOT by following any ridiculous fad diets
NOT by performing long, boring cardio routines
NOT by taking over-priced, over-hyped supplements
NOT by using some piece-of-crap ab belt or gizmo from an infomercial
And NOT by doing hundreds of useless crunches & situps
Enough With the Gimmicks...It's Time for the TRUTH!
It's True! Scientists have even discovered that some of these particular foods can even produce a hormonal imbalance in your body that triggers belly fat to resist burning and signals it to be stored excessively. These compounds are rampant in our food supply and hard to avoid unless you know what to look for... this goes WAY beyond trans fats... there are some more sinister villians in our food too (more about that later).
2. Did You Also Know That "Abs Exercises" Such as Crunches, Leg Raises, & Sit-Ups are Actually the LEAST EFFECTIVE Method of Getting Rid of Stubborn Stomach Fat & Love Handles to Uncover Your Abs? And No, the Answer to Belly Fat Loss is NOT Cardio Either!
Yep, you heard me right! Abdominal exercises should only be a VERY small portion of your workouts. In addition, If you don't perform the right ab exercises in the most effective fashion, you could actually be making your stomach worse!
Ok, here's the deal... If you want your workouts to stimulate abdominal fat loss for those flat sexy abs, you need a properly designed full body resistance training workout that takes into account certain key factors for stimulating your metabolic rate and increasing your production of fat-burning hormones.
If you ignore these key factors, you're DOOMED to a flabby stomach forever! I'll discuss more details about these key factors in a bit.
3. Another Thing... You've Been Told That Doing Lots and Lots of Cardio is the Best Way to Lose Body Fat... Correct?
WRONG! Once again, the myths that have perpetuated the fitness industry for decades are starting to become more clear.
Did you know that recent properly controlled scientific studies have revealed that people using cardio-based workout routines lost significantly less body fat compared to people who did mostly resistance training based routines? Some subjects even GAINED BODY FAT on the cardio-based workouts, while the resistance trainers got stronger & simultaneously reduced their abdominal fat.
However, you can't just do any old worthless bodybuilder workout routine that you saw in some magazine. Most people inadvertently focus on all the wrong types of exercises in the wrong combinations. That will most likely just set you up for failure and years more of a fat belly with no abs!
There are certain tricks you need to learn to put together a workout routine with combinations that will actually trigger your body to release belly fat. I'll show you those techniques in a minute.4. Do You Really Need "Fat Loss Pills" and Other Hyped-Up Supplements to Get Rid of Your Stubborn Belly Fat for Good?No, you don't need any supplements! The amount of deception in the supplement industry really pisses me off. Some supplements are ok (only a very limited few), but I estimate that at least 95% of supplements are a total waste of your money. I'll talk about the only worthwhile ones you can trust, so you can stop wasting your money and being deceived by the clever marketing tactics they use.5. Ab Belts, Ab-Gadgets, Ab-Rockers/Rollers... all Useless!Come on now... I know the infomercial showed a ripped sexy fitness model using the Fat-Blaster 6000 Ab Gizmo, but do you really think he or she got that sexy flat stomach by sitting on the couch and using that piece of crap while watching TV?Hell no! They are ripped and sexy because they are a fitness model and they work hard using REAL WORKOUTS. I'll even show you some insider secrets as to how some of these fitness models get such lean and sexy bodies with rock hard abs. Some of the techniques are pretty clever!
So, let's set the record straight once and for all...
You Will NEVER Lose Your Excess Stomach Fat and Carve Out Those Rock-Hard Six-Pack Abs that You Desire by Wasting Your Time with 100's of Crunches and Other "Abs-Pumping" Exercises...
Nor with Those Bogus Ab-Gadgets, Gimmick Diets, "Fat-Burner" Pills, and "Miracle" Supplement Powders that are Scamming You Out of Your Hard-Earned Money!
Instead, Discover the Tried-and-True Training & Nutrition Secrets That the Super-Lean Use to Strip Away Stubborn Stomach Fat and Develop Sexy Flat Abs That Turn Heads!
But NOT by following any ridiculous fad diets
NOT by performing long, boring cardio routines
NOT by taking over-priced, over-hyped supplements
NOT by using some piece-of-crap ab belt or gizmo from an infomercial
And NOT by doing hundreds of useless crunches & situps
Enough With the Gimmicks...It's Time for the TRUTH!
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September 21, 2007
Fathead World is the only true Authentic place to get your Fathead Athletic and Action Sports Apparel and Gear. Fathead is a Registered Trademark and only items purchased at are Authentic!! When Fatheadattaches his name to a product, everyone knows that the product is of the highest quality. Fathead, a name born out of the Action Sports industry, delivers the latest in Athletic and Street wear to men and boys. By mixing the street with Ivy League culture, Fathead has become a cultural phenomenon. When Fathead envisioned designing a clothing line for multi-cultural youth, he knew that it was destined to become part of mainstream America. With street credibility, Fathead expanded globally, becoming the new standard in contemporary men’s wear. Fathead Apparel Available Now!

September 19, 2007
Mozaico leads the world in its creation of the most innovative marble mosaic design. From its beginnings, Mozaico was focusing on reviving one of the oldest human art forms & has been at the forefront of the mosaic art industry, characterized by a strong entrepreneurial spirit, an ability to adapt to the evolving market, and readiness to explore modern concepts and designs.
Mozaico prides itself in creating fully handmade mosaics from all natural marble and semi-precious stones. Along to the high quality mosaics and the diversified selection and themes that include Nautical/Ocean Life, Animals (Wildlife and Birds), Insects (Butterflies), Natural Scenes/Landscapes, Flowers, Trees, Fruits & Vegetables, Beverage Food & Wine, Famous Artists/Paintings, Fantasy Art, Portrait, Religious, Medallion and Geometric Pattern Mosaics, Rugs and Borders, our products fulfill all the different tastes and needs. Mozaico is happy to work with art lovers on tailoring a mosaic that is designed or adjusted especially for them. With our fast and professional customized services, we collaborate with our customers to bring them the design that they want respecting all deadlines.
With more than 80 artists & over 1,600 Designs, Mozaico attracts a wide variety of customers, ranging from interior designers, architects, individual consumers and more. Moreover, people working on construction projects, be it for commercial, residential, industrial or religious setting often turn to our mosaic store.
A Unique Handmade Marble Mosaic Reproduction of Dali's “Christ of Saint John of the Cross”
Mozaico prides itself in creating fully handmade mosaics from all natural marble and semi-precious stones. Along to the high quality mosaics and the diversified selection and themes that include Nautical/Ocean Life, Animals (Wildlife and Birds), Insects (Butterflies), Natural Scenes/Landscapes, Flowers, Trees, Fruits & Vegetables, Beverage Food & Wine, Famous Artists/Paintings, Fantasy Art, Portrait, Religious, Medallion and Geometric Pattern Mosaics, Rugs and Borders, our products fulfill all the different tastes and needs. Mozaico is happy to work with art lovers on tailoring a mosaic that is designed or adjusted especially for them. With our fast and professional customized services, we collaborate with our customers to bring them the design that they want respecting all deadlines.
With more than 80 artists & over 1,600 Designs, Mozaico attracts a wide variety of customers, ranging from interior designers, architects, individual consumers and more. Moreover, people working on construction projects, be it for commercial, residential, industrial or religious setting often turn to our mosaic store.
A Unique Handmade Marble Mosaic Reproduction of Dali's “Christ of Saint John of the Cross”
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