August 25, 2007
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August 23, 2007
Scars caused by acne are much more common than doctors once believed; most people will have acne scars that are mild. However, some will have scars that look significant even to others. The best approach is prevention and to treat acne right away as sometimes even mild acne can cause scarring, this can minimize the risk of permanent acne scars. Acnezine is the best possible way to treat acne scars. Acne leaves behind different types of acne scars.
Acne scars result from two types of tissue response to the inflammation of acne: (1) increased tissue formation, and (2) loss of tissue.
Increased Tissue FormationThe scars caused by increased tissue formation are called keloids or hypertrophic scars. The word hypertrophy means "enlargement" or "overgrowth." Both hypertrophic and keloid scars are associated with excessive amounts of the cell substance collagen. Overproduction of collagen is a response of skin cells to injury. The excess collagen becomes piled up in fibrous masses, resulting in a characteristic firm, smooth, usually irregularly-shaped scar. Keloids tend to "run in the family"—that is, there is a genetic predisposition to form keloids after tissue injury. African-Americans often have a predisposition to keloid formation. Some families also tend to form hypertrophic acne scars or thickened acne scars.
Acnezine, the natural medication for acne treatment serves a major role reducing such types of acne.
Acne Scars Resulting From Loss of TissuesAcne scars resulting from loss of tissue are more common than scars resulting from increased tissue formation. There are several types:Ice-pick acne scars get their name from their appearance. They may be superficial or deep, are usually small in diameter and have steep sides like an ice-pick wound. They may be hard or soft to the touch; the soft acne scars are usually more superficial and the hard scars deeper. The base of hard scars under the skin may be wider than the scar at the surface of the skin.Depressed fibrotic acne scars are usually large scars that have sharp margins and steep sides. They are similar in appearance to deep chicken pox scars.Superficial and deep soft acne scars are variable in size, and have sloping edges that merge with normal skin.
Follicular macular atrophy is more likely to occur on the chest or back of a person with acne. These are small, white, soft lesions, often barely raised above the surface of the skin—somewhat like whiteheads that didn’t fully develop. This condition is sometimes also called "perifollicular elastolysis." The lesions may persist for months to years.
There are many types of treatment to cure Acne. But Acnezine is a natural acne removal medication with no side effects!
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Acne scars result from two types of tissue response to the inflammation of acne: (1) increased tissue formation, and (2) loss of tissue.
Increased Tissue FormationThe scars caused by increased tissue formation are called keloids or hypertrophic scars. The word hypertrophy means "enlargement" or "overgrowth." Both hypertrophic and keloid scars are associated with excessive amounts of the cell substance collagen. Overproduction of collagen is a response of skin cells to injury. The excess collagen becomes piled up in fibrous masses, resulting in a characteristic firm, smooth, usually irregularly-shaped scar. Keloids tend to "run in the family"—that is, there is a genetic predisposition to form keloids after tissue injury. African-Americans often have a predisposition to keloid formation. Some families also tend to form hypertrophic acne scars or thickened acne scars.
Acnezine, the natural medication for acne treatment serves a major role reducing such types of acne.
Acne Scars Resulting From Loss of TissuesAcne scars resulting from loss of tissue are more common than scars resulting from increased tissue formation. There are several types:Ice-pick acne scars get their name from their appearance. They may be superficial or deep, are usually small in diameter and have steep sides like an ice-pick wound. They may be hard or soft to the touch; the soft acne scars are usually more superficial and the hard scars deeper. The base of hard scars under the skin may be wider than the scar at the surface of the skin.Depressed fibrotic acne scars are usually large scars that have sharp margins and steep sides. They are similar in appearance to deep chicken pox scars.Superficial and deep soft acne scars are variable in size, and have sloping edges that merge with normal skin.
Follicular macular atrophy is more likely to occur on the chest or back of a person with acne. These are small, white, soft lesions, often barely raised above the surface of the skin—somewhat like whiteheads that didn’t fully develop. This condition is sometimes also called "perifollicular elastolysis." The lesions may persist for months to years.
There are many types of treatment to cure Acne. But Acnezine is a natural acne removal medication with no side effects!
For more information visit:
Antioxidant levels key to prostate cancer risk in some men
Greater levels of selenium, vitamin E and the tomato carotenoid lycopene have been shown to reduce prostate cancer in one out of every four Caucasian males, or those who inherit a specific genetic variation that is particularly sensitive to oxidative stress, say US researchers.
Conversely, if carriers of this genetic variant have low levels of these vitamins and minerals, their risk of aggressive prostate increases substantially, as great as 10-fold, over those who maintain higher levels of these nutrients, they write in today’s issue of Cancer Research.
"This large prospective study provides further evidence that oxidative stress may be one of the important mechanisms for prostate cancer development and progression, and adequate intake of antioxidants, such as selenium, lycopene and vitamin E, may help prevent prostate cancer," said Dr Haojie Li, a researcher at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
The new findings are based on an analysis of 567 men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 1982 and 1995, and 764 cancer-free men from the Physicians Health Study.
The initial goal of this study was to assess the effect of aspirin and beta-carotene on men's health. Li’s team decided to check for variants of the gene that codes for manganese superoxide dismutatase (MnSOD), an important enzyme that works as an antioxidant in human cells to defend against disease.
The MnSOD gene is passed from parents to offspring in one of three forms: VV, VA or AA.
"Compared with men with the MnSOD VV or VA genotype, people with the AA genotype seem to be more sensitive to the antioxidant status," said Li. "Men with the AA genotype are more susceptible to prostate cancer if their antioxidant levels are low."
The study's results found that a quarter of the men in the study carried the MnSOD AA genotype, half carried the VA genotype, and the remaining quarter carried the VV genotype.
The results indicated that the VA and VV men were at equivalent risk for developing prostate cancer across all levels of antioxidants in their blood.
But compared to MnSOD VV or VA carriers in the lowest quartile of selenium levels, MnSOD AA males had an 89 per cent greater risk for developing aggressive prostate cancer if they had low blood levels of the mineral.
On the other hand, MnSOD AA carriers with high selenium – those men in the highest quartile – had a 65 per cent lower risk than the MnSOD VV or VA males who maintained low levels of selenium.
"The levels of selenium in the highest quartile of these men are not abnormally high," Li said. "Our range is neither extremely high nor extremely low."
While similar trends were observed for lycopene and vitamin E when tested independently, the contrast in relative risk was most pronounced for the men who had high blood levels for all three antioxidants combined, said the researchers.
"Among men with the MnSOD AA genotype, we observed a 10-fold difference in risk for aggressive prostate cancer, when comparing men with high versus low levels of antioxidants combined,"said Li. "In contrast, among men with the VV or VA genotype, the prostate cancer risk was only weakly altered by these antioxidant levels."
"Our study, as well as many other epidemiological studies, encourages dietary intake of nutrients such as lycopene from tomato products, or supplements for vitamin E and selenium to reduce risk of prostate cancer," said Li.
Prostate cancer is one of the biggest cancer killers in industrial countries and affects more than 500,000 men worldwide every year. This number is expected to increase with the ageing population.
Similar interactions between dietary antioxidants and the variations in the MnSOD gene have previously been linked to risk for breast cancer.
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Greater levels of selenium, vitamin E and the tomato carotenoid lycopene have been shown to reduce prostate cancer in one out of every four Caucasian males, or those who inherit a specific genetic variation that is particularly sensitive to oxidative stress, say US researchers.
Conversely, if carriers of this genetic variant have low levels of these vitamins and minerals, their risk of aggressive prostate increases substantially, as great as 10-fold, over those who maintain higher levels of these nutrients, they write in today’s issue of Cancer Research.
"This large prospective study provides further evidence that oxidative stress may be one of the important mechanisms for prostate cancer development and progression, and adequate intake of antioxidants, such as selenium, lycopene and vitamin E, may help prevent prostate cancer," said Dr Haojie Li, a researcher at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
The new findings are based on an analysis of 567 men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 1982 and 1995, and 764 cancer-free men from the Physicians Health Study.
The initial goal of this study was to assess the effect of aspirin and beta-carotene on men's health. Li’s team decided to check for variants of the gene that codes for manganese superoxide dismutatase (MnSOD), an important enzyme that works as an antioxidant in human cells to defend against disease.
The MnSOD gene is passed from parents to offspring in one of three forms: VV, VA or AA.
"Compared with men with the MnSOD VV or VA genotype, people with the AA genotype seem to be more sensitive to the antioxidant status," said Li. "Men with the AA genotype are more susceptible to prostate cancer if their antioxidant levels are low."
The study's results found that a quarter of the men in the study carried the MnSOD AA genotype, half carried the VA genotype, and the remaining quarter carried the VV genotype.
The results indicated that the VA and VV men were at equivalent risk for developing prostate cancer across all levels of antioxidants in their blood.
But compared to MnSOD VV or VA carriers in the lowest quartile of selenium levels, MnSOD AA males had an 89 per cent greater risk for developing aggressive prostate cancer if they had low blood levels of the mineral.
On the other hand, MnSOD AA carriers with high selenium – those men in the highest quartile – had a 65 per cent lower risk than the MnSOD VV or VA males who maintained low levels of selenium.
"The levels of selenium in the highest quartile of these men are not abnormally high," Li said. "Our range is neither extremely high nor extremely low."
While similar trends were observed for lycopene and vitamin E when tested independently, the contrast in relative risk was most pronounced for the men who had high blood levels for all three antioxidants combined, said the researchers.
"Among men with the MnSOD AA genotype, we observed a 10-fold difference in risk for aggressive prostate cancer, when comparing men with high versus low levels of antioxidants combined,"said Li. "In contrast, among men with the VV or VA genotype, the prostate cancer risk was only weakly altered by these antioxidant levels."
"Our study, as well as many other epidemiological studies, encourages dietary intake of nutrients such as lycopene from tomato products, or supplements for vitamin E and selenium to reduce risk of prostate cancer," said Li.
Prostate cancer is one of the biggest cancer killers in industrial countries and affects more than 500,000 men worldwide every year. This number is expected to increase with the ageing population.
Similar interactions between dietary antioxidants and the variations in the MnSOD gene have previously been linked to risk for breast cancer.
For more information visit:
Aloe Vera Extract Heals Skin
Aloe vera has been shown in clinical studies to have a positive effect on wound healing and holds anti-inflammatory properties.
As stretch marks start out as microscopic tears in skin layers due to overstretching of the dermis, aloe vera helps heal these small wounds without causing scar tissue to form, effectively preventing the appearance of stretch marks. Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Indians and Chinese to decrease the appearance of scars and to moisturize and heal skin.
This extract from the aloe leaf protects skin from environmental factors and promotes skin regeneration.
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Stretch Mark Prevention
Aloe vera has been shown in clinical studies to have a positive effect on wound healing and holds anti-inflammatory properties.
As stretch marks start out as microscopic tears in skin layers due to overstretching of the dermis, aloe vera helps heal these small wounds without causing scar tissue to form, effectively preventing the appearance of stretch marks. Aloe vera has been used for thousands of years by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Indians and Chinese to decrease the appearance of scars and to moisturize and heal skin.
This extract from the aloe leaf protects skin from environmental factors and promotes skin regeneration.
For more information visit:
During normal breathing, air passes through the throat on its way to the lungs. The air travels past the soft palate, uvula, tonsils, and tongue. When a person is awake, the muscles in the back of the throat tighten to hold these structures in place preventing them from collapsing into the airway. During sleep, these structures can fall into the airway causing snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is characterized by loud snroing and distrubed or interruped sleep patterns. Sleep apnea can have serious consequences including cardiac problems. Frequently patients will awaken in the morning with a headache. If they become sleep deprived they may feel sleeppy all day, and may fall asleep while driving in the car.
Sleep apnea is diagnosed by a sleep study. During a sleep study, the patient's breathing patterns, heart rhythim and brain waves are monitored.
If it is found that sleep apnea is present, most doctors recommend the use of CPAP. CPAP is a breathing device worn during sleep to help keep the airway open. In some situations surgery is recommended. The uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with or without tonsillectomy are surgical procedurs designed to open the airway. In rare situations, a tracheostomy is necessary. These are procedures designed to circumvent this sleep related collapse of these structures.
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Sleep apnea is characterized by loud snroing and distrubed or interruped sleep patterns. Sleep apnea can have serious consequences including cardiac problems. Frequently patients will awaken in the morning with a headache. If they become sleep deprived they may feel sleeppy all day, and may fall asleep while driving in the car.
Sleep apnea is diagnosed by a sleep study. During a sleep study, the patient's breathing patterns, heart rhythim and brain waves are monitored.
If it is found that sleep apnea is present, most doctors recommend the use of CPAP. CPAP is a breathing device worn during sleep to help keep the airway open. In some situations surgery is recommended. The uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with or without tonsillectomy are surgical procedurs designed to open the airway. In rare situations, a tracheostomy is necessary. These are procedures designed to circumvent this sleep related collapse of these structures.
For more information visit:
People who have hemorrhoids have three primary concerns when deciding which home treatment to purchase. The most important factor, of course, is whether the remedy actually works. After that, the permanence of recovery and ease of use are the primary concerns. Venapro, our all-natural hemorrhoids medication, meets all three criteria, making it the most effective treatment you can find!
Venapro is the most reliable home treatment on the market. In fact, it is so effective that we offer a money-back guarantee to anyone who is not fully satisfied with the results. Few other brands back their treatments with such a bold promise. As you can probably guess, very few bottles of Venapro are sent back to us!
Our formula not only provides immediate relief from pain but also eliminates the hemorrhoids altogether. Hemorrhoids can return after a particular flare-up has been eliminated, but this only occurs when the conditions for hemorrhoids, such as diarrhea, constipation, or prolonged sitting, come back. A single case, however, will be gone forever after taking Venapro for the recommended period of time! This is because the herbs and vitamins in Venapro attack hemorrhoids from inside the body, making it impossible for them to remain.
Attempting to apply external hemorrhoids treatments can be incredibly uncomfortable, and sometimes altogether impossible. Some hemorrhoids exist deep within the rectum. Since Venapro, which comes in capsule form, reaches the hemorrhoids through the bloodstream, it can eliminate even the hardest-to-reach hemorrhoids. It's not hard to see why Venapro is the ideal hemorrhoid remedy!
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Venapro is the most reliable home treatment on the market. In fact, it is so effective that we offer a money-back guarantee to anyone who is not fully satisfied with the results. Few other brands back their treatments with such a bold promise. As you can probably guess, very few bottles of Venapro are sent back to us!
Our formula not only provides immediate relief from pain but also eliminates the hemorrhoids altogether. Hemorrhoids can return after a particular flare-up has been eliminated, but this only occurs when the conditions for hemorrhoids, such as diarrhea, constipation, or prolonged sitting, come back. A single case, however, will be gone forever after taking Venapro for the recommended period of time! This is because the herbs and vitamins in Venapro attack hemorrhoids from inside the body, making it impossible for them to remain.
Attempting to apply external hemorrhoids treatments can be incredibly uncomfortable, and sometimes altogether impossible. Some hemorrhoids exist deep within the rectum. Since Venapro, which comes in capsule form, reaches the hemorrhoids through the bloodstream, it can eliminate even the hardest-to-reach hemorrhoids. It's not hard to see why Venapro is the ideal hemorrhoid remedy!
For more information visit:
The world is filled with people who believe quitting smoking is simply a matter of will power. The majority of those people are, of course, non-smokers. If you are a smoker who has tried to quit only to fail time and time again, the problem does not lie with your will or desire. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on Earth, and you will have a much better chance of success if you have some help.
You can walk into any pharmacy and find countless products that are designed to help you quit smoking. The problem is that most of them do not work. Many of the gums and patches on the market contain nicotine, so even as you are using them to quit, you still can't get the chemical out of your system! At Ultra Herbal, our Nicocure patches offer you an effective, natural alternative to the nicotine-derived products on the market.
Our patches represent the fastest and safest way for you to quit smoking. By combining the effects of a variety of natural formulas, Nicocure patches are able to reproduce the properties of nicotine without the harm of nicotine. They allow your brain to release dopamine just as it does when you smoke. This means that you will not undergo the mental and physical stress generally associated with quitting. With Nicocure, you can quickly and safely be on your way to a healthier you!
When you use our patches, you'll find that you lose the desire to smoke completely. Even if you get the urge to cheat during the process, after one puff, you'll find that Nicocure makes smoking unpleasant--the temptation will be gone! We are so confident that our natural alternative will work for you that we offer a full money-back guarantee. There's nothing to lose!
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You can walk into any pharmacy and find countless products that are designed to help you quit smoking. The problem is that most of them do not work. Many of the gums and patches on the market contain nicotine, so even as you are using them to quit, you still can't get the chemical out of your system! At Ultra Herbal, our Nicocure patches offer you an effective, natural alternative to the nicotine-derived products on the market.
Our patches represent the fastest and safest way for you to quit smoking. By combining the effects of a variety of natural formulas, Nicocure patches are able to reproduce the properties of nicotine without the harm of nicotine. They allow your brain to release dopamine just as it does when you smoke. This means that you will not undergo the mental and physical stress generally associated with quitting. With Nicocure, you can quickly and safely be on your way to a healthier you!
When you use our patches, you'll find that you lose the desire to smoke completely. Even if you get the urge to cheat during the process, after one puff, you'll find that Nicocure makes smoking unpleasant--the temptation will be gone! We are so confident that our natural alternative will work for you that we offer a full money-back guarantee. There's nothing to lose!
For more information visit:
Arthritis Treatments
Arthritis Treatment Overview
We use this title because not all arthritis treatment is, shall we say, enjoyable. If you suffer from the painful effects of this debilitating condition though, very little can seem worse. The pain is often so severe that the simplest movements can cause anguish and even tears. But, there are treatments to help arthritis. Can they cure it? That is still to be seen, but many have shown to be effective in fighting off the pain. First, there are many different types of arthritis. The causes of each will help to determine the treatment. But, here, we will talk mainly of the treatment options available and then those that are quite possibly the best at treating rheumatoid arthritis.
The symptoms of any arthritis start with pain. There is pain in the joints in a way that limits the amount of movement a person has. Now, remember, as well, that arthritis can strike any individual, not necessarily just older people. So, if a child stops using a limb complaining of pain, a doctor should be seen. On top of this, if symptoms of pain are accompanied with fever a doctor should be seen immediately as this can be a sign of a deadlier arthritis known as septic arthritis. In all cases, arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. The problem in rheumatoid arthritis is that, in trying to deal with the inflammation, the immune system ends up attacking the cartilage in the joints. The end result is pain and lessened use of the effected joint.
In order to stop this process, arthritis treatments can be anything from surgery to medications. There are some good notes about medications, but in the end, they can not resolve the entire problem, only mask the pain for a while. Surgery is invasive and costly. Physical treatment is available and has shown good progress in helping some patients. There are also herbal remedies that have shown good signs of helping as well. There is one product that we would like to mention in a little more detail. What is so unique about this product, though, is that it is a natural treatment that can be taken.
In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in particular, collagen type II can be just as good as a cure to some individuals. This natural substance is actually a main component of cartilage itself. But, no injections are needed because this is an oral treatment. You will take a pill, in other words. There are many reasons why this medication works including the fact that it has an absorption rate of 70 to 90 percent. This means more of it is used and fewer doses are needed. There are other reasons why it works so well.
For instance, the immune system has a component of cells in the intestine called the GALT. This is where proteins are recognized as food or “friend” and therefore not treated as allergies or sensitivities by the digestive system. When collagen type II is ingested, the GALT recognizes this amino acid as a friendly protein. This action switches off the immune system’s attack on collagen elsewhere in the body as in arthritic joints. Instead of the immune system fighting the inflammation and destroying the remaining good material, the Galt simply tells it to stop. And, probably the most important aspect of this natural arthritis treatment is that it can also help to rebuild the damaged and destroyed cartilage. The combination of these two factors can help to restore a normal way of life.
For more information visit:
Joint Advance
Arthritis Treatment Overview
We use this title because not all arthritis treatment is, shall we say, enjoyable. If you suffer from the painful effects of this debilitating condition though, very little can seem worse. The pain is often so severe that the simplest movements can cause anguish and even tears. But, there are treatments to help arthritis. Can they cure it? That is still to be seen, but many have shown to be effective in fighting off the pain. First, there are many different types of arthritis. The causes of each will help to determine the treatment. But, here, we will talk mainly of the treatment options available and then those that are quite possibly the best at treating rheumatoid arthritis.
The symptoms of any arthritis start with pain. There is pain in the joints in a way that limits the amount of movement a person has. Now, remember, as well, that arthritis can strike any individual, not necessarily just older people. So, if a child stops using a limb complaining of pain, a doctor should be seen. On top of this, if symptoms of pain are accompanied with fever a doctor should be seen immediately as this can be a sign of a deadlier arthritis known as septic arthritis. In all cases, arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. The problem in rheumatoid arthritis is that, in trying to deal with the inflammation, the immune system ends up attacking the cartilage in the joints. The end result is pain and lessened use of the effected joint.
In order to stop this process, arthritis treatments can be anything from surgery to medications. There are some good notes about medications, but in the end, they can not resolve the entire problem, only mask the pain for a while. Surgery is invasive and costly. Physical treatment is available and has shown good progress in helping some patients. There are also herbal remedies that have shown good signs of helping as well. There is one product that we would like to mention in a little more detail. What is so unique about this product, though, is that it is a natural treatment that can be taken.
In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in particular, collagen type II can be just as good as a cure to some individuals. This natural substance is actually a main component of cartilage itself. But, no injections are needed because this is an oral treatment. You will take a pill, in other words. There are many reasons why this medication works including the fact that it has an absorption rate of 70 to 90 percent. This means more of it is used and fewer doses are needed. There are other reasons why it works so well.
For instance, the immune system has a component of cells in the intestine called the GALT. This is where proteins are recognized as food or “friend” and therefore not treated as allergies or sensitivities by the digestive system. When collagen type II is ingested, the GALT recognizes this amino acid as a friendly protein. This action switches off the immune system’s attack on collagen elsewhere in the body as in arthritic joints. Instead of the immune system fighting the inflammation and destroying the remaining good material, the Galt simply tells it to stop. And, probably the most important aspect of this natural arthritis treatment is that it can also help to rebuild the damaged and destroyed cartilage. The combination of these two factors can help to restore a normal way of life.
For more information visit:
As discussed previously, irritable bowel syndrome is believed to be due to the abnormal function (dysfunction) of the muscles of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract or the nerves controlling the organs. The nervous control of the gastrointestinal tract, however, is complex. A system of nerves runs the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract from the esophagus to the anus in the muscular walls of the organs. These nerves communicate with other nerves that travel to and from the spinal cord. Nerves within the spinal cord, in turn, travel to and from the brain. (The gastrointestinal tract is exceeded in the numbers of nerves it contains only by the spinal cord and brain.) Thus, the abnormal function of the nervous system in IBS may occur in a gastrointestinal muscular organ, the spinal cord, or the brain.
The nervous system that controls the gastrointestinal organs, as with most other organs, contains both sensory and motor nerves. The sensory nerves continuously sense what is happening within the organ and relay this information to nerves in the organ's wall. From there, information can be relayed to the spinal cord and brain. The information is received and processed in the organ's wall, the spinal cord, or the brain. Then, based on this sensory input and the way the input is processed, commands (responses) are sent to the organ over the motor nerves. Two of the most common motor responses in the intestine are contraction or relaxation of the muscle of the organ and secretion of fluid and/or mucus into the organ.
As already mentioned, abnormal function of the nerves of the gastrointestinal organs, at least theoretically, might occur in the organ, spinal cord, or brain. Moreover, the abnormalities might occur in the sensory nerves, the motor nerves, or at processing centers in the intestine, spinal cord, or brain. Some researchers argue that the cause of functional diseases is abnormalities in the function of the sensory nerves. For example, normal activities, such as stretching of the small intestine by food, may give rise to abnormal sensory signals that are sent to the spinal cord and brain, where they are perceived as pain.
Other researchers argue that the cause of functional diseases is abnormalities in the function of the motor nerves. For example, abnormal commands through the motor nerves might produce a painful spasm (contraction) of the muscles. Still others argue that abnormally functioning processing centers are responsible for functional diseases because they misinterpret normal sensations or send abnormal commands to the organ. In fact, some functional diseases may be due to sensory dysfunction, motor dysfunction, or both sensory and motor dysfunction. Still others may be due to abnormalities within the processing centers One area that is receiving a great deal of scientific attention is the potential role of gas produced by intestinal bacteria in patients with IBS. Studies have demonstrated that patients with IBS produce larger amounts of gas than individuals without IBS, and the gas may be retained longer in the small intestine. Among patients with IBS, abdominal size increases over the day, reaching a maximum in the evening and returning to baseline by the following morning. In individuals without IBS, there is no increase in abdominal size during the day.
There has been a great deal of controversy over the role that poor digestion and/or absorption of dietary sugars may play in aggravating the symptoms of IBS. Poor digestion of lactose, the sugar in milk, is very common as is poor absorption of fructose, a sweetener found in many processed foods. Poor digestion or absorption of these sugars could aggravate the symptoms of IBS since unabsorbed sugars often cause increased formation of gas.
Although these abnormalities in production and transport of gas could give rise to some of the symptoms of IBS, much more work will need to be done before the role of intestinal gas in IBS is clear.
Dietary fat in healthy individuals causes food as well as gas to move more slowly through the stomach and small intestine. Some patients with IBS may even respond to dietary fat in an exaggerated fashion with greater slowing. Thus, dietary fat could--and probably does--aggravate the symptoms of IBS.
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The nervous system that controls the gastrointestinal organs, as with most other organs, contains both sensory and motor nerves. The sensory nerves continuously sense what is happening within the organ and relay this information to nerves in the organ's wall. From there, information can be relayed to the spinal cord and brain. The information is received and processed in the organ's wall, the spinal cord, or the brain. Then, based on this sensory input and the way the input is processed, commands (responses) are sent to the organ over the motor nerves. Two of the most common motor responses in the intestine are contraction or relaxation of the muscle of the organ and secretion of fluid and/or mucus into the organ.
As already mentioned, abnormal function of the nerves of the gastrointestinal organs, at least theoretically, might occur in the organ, spinal cord, or brain. Moreover, the abnormalities might occur in the sensory nerves, the motor nerves, or at processing centers in the intestine, spinal cord, or brain. Some researchers argue that the cause of functional diseases is abnormalities in the function of the sensory nerves. For example, normal activities, such as stretching of the small intestine by food, may give rise to abnormal sensory signals that are sent to the spinal cord and brain, where they are perceived as pain.
Other researchers argue that the cause of functional diseases is abnormalities in the function of the motor nerves. For example, abnormal commands through the motor nerves might produce a painful spasm (contraction) of the muscles. Still others argue that abnormally functioning processing centers are responsible for functional diseases because they misinterpret normal sensations or send abnormal commands to the organ. In fact, some functional diseases may be due to sensory dysfunction, motor dysfunction, or both sensory and motor dysfunction. Still others may be due to abnormalities within the processing centers One area that is receiving a great deal of scientific attention is the potential role of gas produced by intestinal bacteria in patients with IBS. Studies have demonstrated that patients with IBS produce larger amounts of gas than individuals without IBS, and the gas may be retained longer in the small intestine. Among patients with IBS, abdominal size increases over the day, reaching a maximum in the evening and returning to baseline by the following morning. In individuals without IBS, there is no increase in abdominal size during the day.
There has been a great deal of controversy over the role that poor digestion and/or absorption of dietary sugars may play in aggravating the symptoms of IBS. Poor digestion of lactose, the sugar in milk, is very common as is poor absorption of fructose, a sweetener found in many processed foods. Poor digestion or absorption of these sugars could aggravate the symptoms of IBS since unabsorbed sugars often cause increased formation of gas.
Although these abnormalities in production and transport of gas could give rise to some of the symptoms of IBS, much more work will need to be done before the role of intestinal gas in IBS is clear.
Dietary fat in healthy individuals causes food as well as gas to move more slowly through the stomach and small intestine. Some patients with IBS may even respond to dietary fat in an exaggerated fashion with greater slowing. Thus, dietary fat could--and probably does--aggravate the symptoms of IBS.
For more information visit:
Buy Diet Pills
When dieting and working out aren't giving you the weight loss results that you want, it may be time to buy diet pills. If you've reached the point where you are considering adding prescription-based weight loss medications to your life, you might want to consider another option. Dietrine Carb Blocker is a great new supplement that is available without a prescription.
You may be familiar with Phase 2, which was very popular among those finding it difficult to lose weight with diet and exercise alone. Derived from the white kidney bean, Phase 2 neutralizes the enzyme alpha amylase produced in the pancreas, normally used to break down carbs. Starches are then able to pass through your digestive system without being broken down into glucose and fat, decreasing your net caloric intake, even with foods such as bread, pasta, and cereal.
By simply clicking around our website, you can safely and securely order Dietrine Carb Blocker from the comfort of your own home. And, because this is a 100 percent stimulant-free, botanical supplement, you don't have to worry about harmful side effects or drug interactions. And, as if that wasn't enough, when you order Dietrine Carb Blocker, we add in some great bonus material that will help you lose the weight even faster!
Free with any purchase of Dietrine Carb Blocker is a lifetime membership in our online weight loss program, which will keep you posted on new developments in the industry and provide great tips on exercise and diet programs you might want to try. We also include a weight loss hypnosis download and an e-book with 71 weight loss tips that contains all the tricks you need to promote real fat loss! With such a great supplement and a fantastic package of extras, you'll be on your way to the body you want in no time!
For more information visit:
When dieting and working out aren't giving you the weight loss results that you want, it may be time to buy diet pills. If you've reached the point where you are considering adding prescription-based weight loss medications to your life, you might want to consider another option. Dietrine Carb Blocker is a great new supplement that is available without a prescription.
You may be familiar with Phase 2, which was very popular among those finding it difficult to lose weight with diet and exercise alone. Derived from the white kidney bean, Phase 2 neutralizes the enzyme alpha amylase produced in the pancreas, normally used to break down carbs. Starches are then able to pass through your digestive system without being broken down into glucose and fat, decreasing your net caloric intake, even with foods such as bread, pasta, and cereal.
By simply clicking around our website, you can safely and securely order Dietrine Carb Blocker from the comfort of your own home. And, because this is a 100 percent stimulant-free, botanical supplement, you don't have to worry about harmful side effects or drug interactions. And, as if that wasn't enough, when you order Dietrine Carb Blocker, we add in some great bonus material that will help you lose the weight even faster!
Free with any purchase of Dietrine Carb Blocker is a lifetime membership in our online weight loss program, which will keep you posted on new developments in the industry and provide great tips on exercise and diet programs you might want to try. We also include a weight loss hypnosis download and an e-book with 71 weight loss tips that contains all the tricks you need to promote real fat loss! With such a great supplement and a fantastic package of extras, you'll be on your way to the body you want in no time!
For more information visit:
August 22, 2007
The KOA Value Kard is the premier savings card in the camping industry. With the KOA Value Kard in hand, campers save 10% on daily registration fees at over 450 KOA Kampgrounds in North America.
We offer the KOA Value Kard in our program for you to maximize revenues and promote the KOA brand.
KOA Value Kard -discounts on rental cars, internet service, prescription drugs, RV financing, RV rentals, motorcycle rentals and more!
We offer the KOA Value Kard in our program for you to maximize revenues and promote the KOA brand.
Altrec is a customer service focused company. To ensure high conversion, we provide free shipping on orders over $45, a 100% satisfaction guarantee and price-match plus policy. Our customer service policies and knowledgeable staff lead the outdoor industry.Altrec’s service philosophy extends to all our friends.
Get 10% Off when you buy 3 Water Bottles at
Priority Pass provides airport VIP lounge access irrespective of who you are flying with, what class you are traveling in, or whether you belong to an airline lounge program. Priority Pass is ideally suited to frequent business and leisure travellers - and at a time of increased airport delays, VIP lounge access is in high demand. We are a unique membership organization with 1.5 million members around the world, but with huge potential for growth in the USA, and very strong opportunities to earn commission.Priority Pass currently runs very successfully in the UK and Germany but is an international product that sells well wherever we have targeted it. With annual membership options costing from $99 to $399, this is a great opportunity to earn commission – especially as Priority Pass has not been promoted in the USA until now. This is a tried and tested product throughout the world – and it is sure to be successful in the US too.
G.R.I.P. has started a revolution in golf equipment. Launched in April 2006, G.R.I.P. is a golf equipment manufacturer and an online retailer dedicated to developing and offering the finest quality golf clubs — golf clubs that make the game easier to play, more fun, and highly affordable for the recreational golfer. We deliver technologically advanced golf clubs at attractive prices that begin at $49.95 and have exceeded $1,000. Our exciting line of golf clubs include the G.R.I.P. Hyper Steel Hybrids, G.R.I.P. CNC Milled Wedges,G.R.I.P. Sweetness™ Putter, Drivers, Cutting Edge Wide Sole/Hybrid Irons, and Fairway Woods. We are committed to customer service and satisfaction. We offer a 30-day, money-back, satisfaction guarantee and a one-year warranty against manufacturer’s defects.
G.R.I.P. CNC Milled Wedges -- Exceptional Feel & Spin
Every second, thousands of people search the internet for service companies in their area, only to end up with a lousy service experience due to limited information. Angie's List takes the guesswork out of finding good service companies by providing its members with thousands of unbiased ratings and reviews of their local service companies.
Welcome to Construction Complete where you can always find great deals on construction machinery and equipment like a tile saw, wet saws, cement mixers, electric rebar cutters, concrete buckets, truss screed, soil plate compactor tampers and even mortar mixers from top brands like MK Diamond, Wacker, Target, Felker, Partner, Belle Group and many other great brand names!
The Smilebox service is free and easy to use. With a few clicks, anyone can turn their photos and video into animated, musical wonders. Which makes it no wonder that we’re receiving raves from not just our many users, but consumer and mass media press as well. (Check out all the buzz from consumer publications and press reviews here:
Our mission is to spread the word about this unique service, and to invite people to share their photos and greetings using hundreds of animated Smilebox designs – including ecards, slideshows, scrapbooks, photobooks, and postcards.
Our mission is to spread the word about this unique service, and to invite people to share their photos and greetings using hundreds of animated Smilebox designs – including ecards, slideshows, scrapbooks, photobooks, and postcards.
August 21, 2007
The Iraqi Disabled Veterans Fund was founded in 2005 by Sergeant Gill Moreland US Army. The fund was put together by Gill to help with medical expenses after the soldier comes home. All proceeds go to the general disabled fund and gets distributed equally for every soldier that needs help with mediacl expenses. to date the fund has helped 300 families in need. We need your support. Gill has reminded us all that we need to help those in need for helping us retain our freedom. Over 1 million dollars has been donated over the last 2 years. The money covers treatments, physical therapy, medications, and counseling. We still need your support. Your gift is tax deductable. Thank You Gill Moreland Donations are in the amount of 50.00
With nearly three million domains, Dotster, Inc. is one of the world's largest ICANN-accredited domain name registrars. Launched in 2000, Dotster was among the first to offer discounted pricing. Dotster gives customers something worth clicking for: Our domain registrations include free domain management services, free domain parking, free SpamShield, free TransferLock, and free ownership transfers. Customers can also add features like WHOIS privacy, e-mail services, web hosting, SSL certificates, web design and more. We are well known for our ability to deliver hard-to-find domain names and unique domain extensions such as .MD. We treat customers like family, and offer superior online account management tools and dedicated support from our customer care team in Washington

About offers low-priced remote control (RC) toys and other hobby items directly to the public.
We run a tight ship. We choose our promotions carefully and ensure every advertising dollar pays for itself. We streamline our systems and billing processes. We are a no-frills outfit (no $2000 office chairs).
There are no tricks in what we do, just good, old-fashioned, reliable American business principles. Every item you see on is imported directly to our warehouse in Los Angeles, California. When you buy from us, you buy first hand.
Since we ship hundreds of items per day, we can offer very low prices on shipping as well, unlike other websites that offer free shipping but hide the shipping charges in the price of the product. We charge exactly what it costs us.
We are a small but profitable company that expects to be in business for many years to come.
We run a tight ship. We choose our promotions carefully and ensure every advertising dollar pays for itself. We streamline our systems and billing processes. We are a no-frills outfit (no $2000 office chairs).
There are no tricks in what we do, just good, old-fashioned, reliable American business principles. Every item you see on is imported directly to our warehouse in Los Angeles, California. When you buy from us, you buy first hand.
Since we ship hundreds of items per day, we can offer very low prices on shipping as well, unlike other websites that offer free shipping but hide the shipping charges in the price of the product. We charge exactly what it costs us.
We are a small but profitable company that expects to be in business for many years to come.
REVIWING 6 MILLION STOCKS This website explains everything if your interested in the stock market. If you would like to be an investor or trader this report will help you in every fashion. Six Million Stocks will explain how people just like you and me can make money in the stock market. See how a real life stock trader turned 250,000 into 6 million in just a short time. These are amazing tips that can't be found anywhere else. If you are serious about being a investor or trader or would simply like to read about how they made millions this is a must read report. This is a 28 page report complete with stock charts. These insights into how real trading fortunes are made, are amazing. If you would like to learn the ins and outs of trading and start to make real money grab this report. By Dave McPhee Wall St Investor
August 20, 2007
REVIEWING GUITAR TRADER is one of the largest etailer's of Guitars, and features: *Absolute Lowest Price Guarantee* *45-Day Complete Satisfaction Policy* *Professional Musicians On Staff To Assist & Advise Customers* *Giveaways* *#1 Rated online guitar store* *$400 Average Order Value**A Possible 10% Commission Rate and a Guaranteed 6% Commission Rate with our Incentive Plan!**A 60 Day Cookie!!!**Unlimited Action Referal Occurances!!!** Your profits stand to be quite large by being associated with the largest Guitar Store online! Our customer service is only of the highest standards. We stock and carry more major brands than all of the other so called Mega-Stores and our prices can't be beat. - Getting The Right Guitar Just Got a Little Easier!
Our upscale customers love our unique collection of replica European sculptures, architectural artifacts, imported French tapestries, suits of armor, swords, French art posters and gift items from around the world. Design Toscano's decorative accessories reflect every major historical period including Ancient Greece and Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Baroque, Neo-Classical and Victorian eras.
Caring for YOUR legs & feet; providing 100s of styles in TIGHTS, SOCKS & LEG WEAR with GREAT BRAND NAMES at LOW PRICES. For your convenience we also offer FREE DELIVERY on orders over £20 and FREE RETURNS. are the online specialist in socks & hosiery. With years of retail experience and same day dispatch their service levels are top drawer. Huge brand name’s make this site a one stop shop for legs & feet. The brand names include SOCKSHOP, LEVANTE, FALKE, PRINGLE, ELLE, BURLINGTON, SCHOLL, DISNEY, JEFF BANKS, CETTE, JONATHON ASTON, FARAH, JEEP, and many more...
The OQO model 02 is one of the hottest handheld devices on the market and has won numerous awards for its innovation, engineering and design.
The OQO model 02 Industry Awards and Accolades:
"CES Winner: Best Mobile Computer" - Wired Magazine"2007 Best of CES: Best Notebook" - Laptop Magazine"Best of CES" – Popular Science"Four Stars" – PC Magazine"Editor’s Choice" – Business 2.0"2007 Windows Vista PC Innovation Award" - Microsoft
Buy the world’s smallest computer
The OQO model 02 Industry Awards and Accolades:
"CES Winner: Best Mobile Computer" - Wired Magazine"2007 Best of CES: Best Notebook" - Laptop Magazine"Best of CES" – Popular Science"Four Stars" – PC Magazine"Editor’s Choice" – Business 2.0"2007 Windows Vista PC Innovation Award" - Microsoft
WHY MR.BEER? It is the World's #1 Home Micro Brewery. With over 550,000 kits installed our competition doesn't even come close. We back our product up with an unconditional guarantee, and we supply our customers additional mixes and accessories so they can use their kit over and over again. We aggressively market our brand in national magazines, direct mail and email and tradeshows. People know us and buy from us. You'll benefit from our well-known brand.
Mr Beer Ingredients
TuneCore has arrangements with leading digital music retailers that let us place artists music in their online stores and subscription services. Our customers pay to have their music delivered to stores such as iTunes and Rhapsody and keep 100% of the money that their music earns. Thousands of artists and labels have been putting their music up for digital sale quickly and easily with TuneCore. We are adding to our network of partners and offering new incentives to our customers as our company continues to broaden and deepen its scope.
Some advantages TuneCore has over other Advertisers: Our service is completely digital so we don't have to worry about returns and nothing needs to be shipped*No exclusive membership is required of our customers*We offer an ease of transaction that allows customers to purchase delivery of their album using credit cards or paypal accounts
Some advantages TuneCore has over other Advertisers: Our service is completely digital so we don't have to worry about returns and nothing needs to be shipped*No exclusive membership is required of our customers*We offer an ease of transaction that allows customers to purchase delivery of their album using credit cards or paypal accounts
Listed among the Internet Retailer 2007 Top 500 Retailers, Black Forest Decor has become the leading website in the rustic decor, furniture & gift online market. Our products have appeared on The Today Show, Trading Spaces, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and Designing for the Sexes.Launched in 2002, Our website contains over 2,000 products with average orders of $280. On a daily basis, orders range from $40 for small gift items to $10,000 for large furniture orders. New products are added every two weeks and customer promotions change every 3 to 4 days.Free shipping for all orders over $89. Use Coupon Code 56 when ordering

REVIEWING E DESIGNER SHOP is high fashion! We are a premium online store of authentic, high end luxury designer handbags, purses, wallets and other leather accessories of brands like Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Balenciaga, JP Tod's and more. We pride ourselves on providing top notch customer service, guaranteed satisfaction, and a unique selection of products. FREE SHIPPING ON ALL CONTINENTAL US ORDERS. We have aggressive monthly and seasonal sales & promotions to our customersFree 3-Day shipping on any order over $100
Lonely Planet began in the early 1970s after founders Tony and Maureen Wheeler completed an overland journey from London through Asia and on to Australia. Since then it has grown to be the world's leading travel guide publisher.
Lonley Planet publish over 600 titles in English and cover every corner of the planet. The guidebooks are also published in a number of languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, Korean and Japanese.
The Lonely Planet catalogue includes:- Country Guides- City Guides- Activity and Theme Guides- Maps- Phrase Books- Pictorials- Travel Literature- Diaries, Calendars, and gift products
Lonely Planet also has a strong online presence, with attractring over 5 million unique users per month. In addition to destination content, travel features and user generated content, the website also features an online shop. The online shop stocks the entire Lonely Planet catalogue and ships globally. Spend US$40 at the Lonely Planet Shop and receive free delivery and a free gift

Lonley Planet publish over 600 titles in English and cover every corner of the planet. The guidebooks are also published in a number of languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, Korean and Japanese.
The Lonely Planet catalogue includes:- Country Guides- City Guides- Activity and Theme Guides- Maps- Phrase Books- Pictorials- Travel Literature- Diaries, Calendars, and gift products
Lonely Planet also has a strong online presence, with attractring over 5 million unique users per month. In addition to destination content, travel features and user generated content, the website also features an online shop. The online shop stocks the entire Lonely Planet catalogue and ships globally. Spend US$40 at the Lonely Planet Shop and receive free delivery and a free gift
The Uncommon "Original" Telescoping Flagpole was invented in the 1980's to fill a need to display Memorial Flags in honor of fallen Veterans. Flown only on holidays and special occasions, the entire Flag Pole can be collapsed with the push of a button and removed for storage, until the next event, and then once again be easily slipped into the ground sleeve and raised respectfully.
Uncommon USA, Inc. is proud to have developed this concept into the sturdy, versatile flagpole offered to homeowners today.
"Quality" and "Value" along with our Scandinavian honesty and strong work ethic motivates us to deliver an exceptional product at a fair price. Each flagpole is assembled and inspected in our Manufacturing plant in Willmar, Minnesota.
Uncommonusa is proud to offer our signature flagpoles, along with a wide assortment of flagpole accessories and flags for every occasion. We carry an extensive inventory of state, international, military, holiday, sports team and advertising flags and banners.Buy Your State Flag From Uncommon USA

Uncommon USA, Inc. is proud to have developed this concept into the sturdy, versatile flagpole offered to homeowners today.
"Quality" and "Value" along with our Scandinavian honesty and strong work ethic motivates us to deliver an exceptional product at a fair price. Each flagpole is assembled and inspected in our Manufacturing plant in Willmar, Minnesota.
Uncommonusa is proud to offer our signature flagpoles, along with a wide assortment of flagpole accessories and flags for every occasion. We carry an extensive inventory of state, international, military, holiday, sports team and advertising flags and banners.Buy Your State Flag From Uncommon USA
Over the years, Diatect International has worked to create environmentally friendly yet extremely effective insect control products. During that time, Diatect International has established a line of EPA registered products that have proven to be the answer to safely solving most insect control problems at an affordable cost. Diatect approach to insect control is the application of effective and natural ingredients, producing "Safe Insect Control That Works!".
We have insect control products specifically designed for bed bugs, roaches, fire ants, garden insects, fleas & ticks, and more.Diatect

We have insect control products specifically designed for bed bugs, roaches, fire ants, garden insects, fleas & ticks, and more.Diatect
August 19, 2007
Introducing Brushstrokes,a revolutionary new art form that fully captures the exquisite color, the shadows and every stroke of the artist's brush in three-dimensional detail.
In a side-by-side comparison, even the most discerning eye will find little difference between a Brushstrokes image and the original oil-on-canvas. Truthful and faithful to the artist's vision, the result is amazing-an authentic piece that's closer to the original than any other reproductions. A Brushstrokes image must be seen and touched to be appreciated. Compare for yourself and experience the Brushstrokes difference
Brushstrokes Fine Art

In a side-by-side comparison, even the most discerning eye will find little difference between a Brushstrokes image and the original oil-on-canvas. Truthful and faithful to the artist's vision, the result is amazing-an authentic piece that's closer to the original than any other reproductions. A Brushstrokes image must be seen and touched to be appreciated. Compare for yourself and experience the Brushstrokes difference
Brushstrokes Fine Art
Welcome to Discountlaptops where our team strives to bring our customers the perfect combination of innovative mobile technology and high-quality service at the most competitive prices possible. We are proud to offer a full line of ChemUSA, Sager and other cutting edge mobile computer brands.
Founded in 1995, Discount Laptops offices are located in the great state of Nevada where we coordinate the shipment of our products all over North America. Due to extremely high transportation, service, and support costs we do not accept payments from or ship outside of North America.
We have been reviewed in several national magazines and featured in several publications. Our record with the Nevada Better Business Bureau is outstanding, and it's our intention to keep it that way. Reviews from real customers can be found on Our customers range from the basic email user to the extreme gamer looking for a custom gaming laptop. We are equipped to serve the scientist in the field, the soldier overseas or the most demanding government employee. A large part of our business comes from universities and Fortune 500 companies.
We pride ourselves in offering the best value in extended warranty and support programs. Our unique level of manufacturer technical support and extended warranty products have made our name synonymous with value and quality over the many years we've been in business. Every system we offer is brand new, built with only top-shelf components and comes with at least a one year factory warranty. The flexibility we allow to custom configure a system perfect to your needs is unmatched but often imitated.
Founded in 1995, Discount Laptops offices are located in the great state of Nevada where we coordinate the shipment of our products all over North America. Due to extremely high transportation, service, and support costs we do not accept payments from or ship outside of North America.
We have been reviewed in several national magazines and featured in several publications. Our record with the Nevada Better Business Bureau is outstanding, and it's our intention to keep it that way. Reviews from real customers can be found on Our customers range from the basic email user to the extreme gamer looking for a custom gaming laptop. We are equipped to serve the scientist in the field, the soldier overseas or the most demanding government employee. A large part of our business comes from universities and Fortune 500 companies.
We pride ourselves in offering the best value in extended warranty and support programs. Our unique level of manufacturer technical support and extended warranty products have made our name synonymous with value and quality over the many years we've been in business. Every system we offer is brand new, built with only top-shelf components and comes with at least a one year factory warranty. The flexibility we allow to custom configure a system perfect to your needs is unmatched but often imitated.
REVIEWING CLASSIC CHEVY For owners of 1955, 1956 and 1957 Chevys, Classic Chevy International is your one-stop-shop for everything you need to restore, upgrade and modify your Chevy. At Eckler’s Classic Chevy International you’ll find we are “Chevy people,” who care about your hobby! In addition to our wide range of Chevy parts, we also have a membership club; Classic Chevy Club, that gives you an additional 5% discount, a great monthly magazine and more! Very popular site for late model chevy owners. Find old chevy parts from all over the globe on 1 website. By Dana Morris CD Chevy
How Do Our Products work? PhantomPlate's Brand Name GPS Receivers, Radar Detectors and PhotoBlocker Help Drivers Save Money & Avoid Tickets. Our GPS devices are designed to warn drivers of all impending speed traps, red light and speed cameras in North America. They are 100% legal and guaranteed to help avoid tickets, we also offer Cobra & Escort Radar and Laser Detectors. Red light & speed cameras use flash to photograph your plate. PhotoBlocker’s special formula produces a high-powered gloss that reflects the flash and causes overexposed unreadable plates. By Nancy Ellinger
The T-Shirt Lovers, T-Shirt Superstore! T-Shirts make great gifts. Over 10,000 available. Check out all the t-shirts available. The T-Shirt superstore has what your looking for. Get your T-shirts here. Immediate shipping and a 100 % money back guarantee.
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