October 11, 2007


JOI Internet, a Hawk Communications LLC company, was a national Internet service provider headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. JOI Internet focused on providing the best quality Internet access at the best possible price to individual subscribers and small businesses. JOI Internet had grown dramatically since its formation in 1999. By 2005 JOI Internet was one of the largest ISP's in the country. JOI Internet invested millions in its voice and data network.In 2005 Hawk Communications LLC decided to focus on next generation IP services instead of Internet access. Hawk Communications LLC decided to form a new division, JoiPhone, to utilize its existing network and other resources to provide VoIP (Voice Over IP) telephone services. JoiPhone was conceived under the same principle "Best Service at the Best Price".
$14.95/mo - 2 Unlimited JoiPhone Lines

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