What is the market for the hundreds of wholesale bath and body products now available worldwide? Customers include retail stores, hotels, craft exhibitors and individuals who pursue their own home based business. Whether you have your own gift basket company or make purchases for a retailer, you have access to a great selection of products. The greatest thing about this growth in the industry is that the smallest business can get prices usually only offered to large retail chains.
There are a number of suppliers of bath and body products, many of which sell at discounted prices to individual customers. With some selective shopping it is possible to find selections and prices that rival the largest retail sites in the world. But many wholesale bath and body suppliers work exclusively with resellers, so it would be a good idea to spend some time researching which suppliers and wholesale merchants will be the best for your situation.
For example, several of the reputable, established suppliers offer a huge selection of lotions, gels, soaps, salts etc. in just about every color and fragrance you can imagine. Many of these items are of the finest quality and a catalog from some of the best suppliers may even include such exclusive items as handmade soaps and hand mixed lotions.
But sometimes you will find that these suppliers will work only with resellers – those who provide business license and state sales tax information as traditional retailers, craft exhibit sellers and so on. These suppliers of wholesale bath and body products will ship directly to both distributors and retail stores, sometimes worldwide. Several companies started as suppliers to schools, churches and private groups, strictly for fund-raising activities. Because of demand these suppliers soon expanded to providing wholesale bath and body products to a long list of retail stores and independent distributors. http://wfareview.blogspot.com
So, what can you expect to get from these dozens of lotions, soaps and gels you find in wholesale bath and body lists? You have an amazing choice of fragrances, for one thing. Do you like cucumber, melon, lemon, sugarplum or gardenia. You can get those, along with the more traditional scents. If you are searching for just the right lotion or cream, never fear. The suppliers of wholesale bath and body products have everything from whipped body butter to no-crack cream, from sugar-based to oil-based scrubs. In addition to these items, suppliers still offer the highest quality bubble baths, body washes, liquid soaps and bath oils. From a tiny seed of an idea about making bath time more than just a way to get clean, suppliers of wholesale bath and body products have helped millions of customers get away from everyday stress and worry for a short time each day
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